保健品水果提取物荔枝-The Tao of Tea, 荔枝紅茶混合4盎司(114克)

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Lychee is a blend of fine black tea and natural lychee essence. Together, they make a refreshing tea that can be enjoyed either warm or iced.

Full Leaf Specialty Black

Representing orthodox manufacture, whereby the leaf is hand-plucked and maintains an unbroken appearance, the tea leaves for this blend are selected fresh throughout various growing seasons of the year.


Lychee is native to Southeast Asia and the Indian sub-continent. Harvested in the peak of the summer, it is co無痕褲nsidered cooling with rejuvenating properties. It is a small plum sized fruit, with red outer skin, and sweet juicy fruit inside.


Lychee complements well with slightly spicy, dry foods and nuts. It is also great for making sorbet and ice cream.

Flavor Profile床的世界

Sweet, rich flavor and aroma 髮旺旺similar to red roses. Full bodied, smooth brew with little or no astringency.

The Tao of Tea, 荔枝,紅茶混合,4盎司(114克)





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